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City of Holland Kollen Park Fire Station

The City of Holland Kollen Park Fire Station renovation and addition project includes a complete renovation of the existing station and a 2,500-square-foot addition. The project involves upgrading the facility to meet modern safety standards, accommodate changing equipment needs, and improve operational efficiency. Designs also include modernizing the living quarters for the force’s future and providing firefighters with single-occupancy dorm rooms and unisex single-occupancy bathrooms. Kollen Park will have decontamination rooms for dirty gear separate from the “turnout gear” room, where clean gear is available for the next run. Decontamination showers will also be separate from living quarter showers. The idea behind the separation of these “hot” and “cold” zones in the station is to reduce firefighters’ exposure to cancer-causing contaminants and biohazards that come home with them on their gear. Integrated Architecture served as the architect of record and collaborated with BRW Architects on the design of this project.

Holland, Michigan
15,000 Square Feet
In Construction